I am currently an operations director and teacher. I am the program manager for the Research Experience for Veteran Undergraduates and I am the Director of Operations for Warrior-Scholar Project. I have left the field, but my astrophysics research focused on the baryon content, the kinematics, AGN, and the evolution of isolated low-mass galaxies. Can check out my research page for more information.
May 28, 2018: I have a new
paper on the effect of AGNs on the neutral hydrogen content of
low-mass galaxies.
Jan 11, 2018: I am a co-author on Kareem El-Baldry's new paper on the gas kinematics in simulated FIRE galaxies compared to spatially unresolved neutral hydrogen observations.
Feb 9, 2016: I have a new
paper on the uncertainty in measuring the slope of the baryonic
Tully-Fisher relation.
Jun 30, 2015: I am a co-author on Greg Stinson's new
paper on the constant gas mass of disk galaxies.
May 19, 2015: I have a new
paper on the baryon content of isolated low mass galaxies.