Duncan Campbell

image credit(left): Springel et al. 2005, image credit(right): CFHTLS

You can find a list of my publications here.

I am interested in connecting the structure we expect dark matter to form(left) in our Universe and the observed distribution of galaxies(right). Put another way, how is the galaxy distribution mapped on to the dark matter distribution? What properties of galaxies determine this mapping, and how can we take what we learn from such studies to better understand how galaxies form and evolve?

I am working on my thesis with Nikhil Padmanabhan and Frank van den Bosch at the Yale University Department of Astronomy.

Galaxy Group Catalogues

I have done extensive work examining the performance of galaxy group catalogues. This work is presented in:
Assessing Colour-dependent Occupation Statistics Inferred from Galaxy Group Catalogues

Galaxy Assembly Bias

Currently, I am working on empirical models of galaxy populations that include galaxy assembly bias to study the galactic conformity phenomena.


I am a lead developer on the halotools project, a python package designed to study large-scale structure, cosmology, and galaxy evolution using N-body simulations and halo models. A paper describing the code can be found Here.

I encourage those who are interested to check out some visulizations of the simulated dark matter structure in the Universe from the Millenium Simulation (Springel et al. 2005).

Millenium Simulation

For my research I use observational data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS).