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Platais, Imants, Girard, Terrence M., Kozhurina-Platais, Vera, van Altena, William F., Jain, Raj K., López, Carlos E., 2000, "Nova Velorum 1999=V382 Vel: Astrometry and Photometry", PASP, 112, 224
Méndez, R. A., Platais, I., Girard, T., Kozhurina-Platais, V., van Altena, W. F. 2000, "Galactic Kinematics Towards the South Galactic Pole: First Results from the Yale-San Juan Southern Proper-Motion Program", AJ 119, 813
Benedict, G. F., McArthur, B. E., Franz, O. G., Wasserman, L. H., Henry, T. J., Takato, Tsunenori, Strateva, Iskra, Nelan, E., Jefferys, W. H., Duncombe, R. L., Shelus, P. J., Hemenway, P. D., Story, D., Whipple, A. L., Bradley, A., van Altena, Wm., Fredrick, L. W., 1999 AAS 195.7703, "Stellar Masses from Space-based Interferometry and Ground-based Radial Velocities - Gl 623AB and Wolf 1062 (Gl 748 AB)"
Benedict, G. F., The HST Astrometry Science Team, Jefferys, W. H., McArthur, B., Shelus, P. J., Duncombe, R. L., Hemenway, P. D., van Altena, W. F., Franz, O. G., Wasserman, L. H., Frederick, L. W., 1999, "Space Interferometry at Work - HST Parallax of the Hot WD Binary Feige 24", Working on the Fringe: An International Conference on Optical and IR Interferometry from Ground and Space, ASP Conference Series (S. Unwin and R. Stachnik, editors), p. 30
Benedict, G. Fritz, McArthur, Barbara, Chappell, D. W., Nelan, E., Jefferys, W. H., van Altena, W., Lee, J., Cornell, D., Shelus, P. J., Hemenway, P. D., Franz, Otto G., Wasserman, L. H., Duncombe, R. L., Story, D., Whipple, A. L., Fredrick, L. W., 1999 AJ .118.1086B, "Interferometric Astrometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: Detection Limits for Substellar Companions"
Dinescu, Dana I., Girard, Terrence M., van Altena, William F., 1999 AJ .117.1792D, "Space Velocities of Globular Clusters. III. Cluster Orbits and Halo Substructure"
Dinescu, Dana I., van Altena, William F., Girard, Terrence M., López, Carlos E., 1999 AJ .117 277D, "Space Velocities of Southern Globular Clusters. II. New Results for 10 Clusters"
Horch, E., Ninkov, Z., van Altena, W., 1999 AAS 194.0904H, "Progress Report on the RIT-Yale Tip-Tilt Speckle Imaging System"
Horch, Elliott, Ninkov, Zoran, van Altena, William F., Meyer, Reed D., Girard, Terrence M., Timothy, J. Gethyn, 1999 AJ .117 548H, "Speckle Observations of Binary Stars with the WIYN Telescope. I. Measures During 1997"
McArthur, B. E., Benedict, G. F., Lee, J., Lu, C.-L., van Altena, W. F., Deliyannis, C. P., Girard, T., Fredrick, L. W., Nelan, E., Duncombe, R. L., Hemenway, P. D., Jefferys, W. H., Shelus, P. J., Franz, O. G., Wasserman, L. H., 1999 ApJ 520L 59M, "Astrometry with Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: The Parallax of the Cataclysmic Variable RW Triangulum"
Méndez, R. A., Platais, I., Girard, T., Kozhurina-Platais, V., van Altena, W. F. 1999, "A Large Local Rotational Speed for the Galaxy Found from Proper Motions: Implications for the Mass of the Milky Way", APJL 524 L39
Urban, S., Mason, B., Horch, E., Holdenried, E., Rafferty, T., Hartkopf, W., van Altena, W., 1999 AAS 195.4607U, "Surveying the SIM Grid Stars for Duplicity"
van Altena, W. F., Girard, T. M., Platais, I., Kozhurina-Platais, V., Ostheimer, J., Lopez, C. E., 1999 DDA .31.1004V, "The Yale/San Juan Southern Proper Motion Program"
van Altena, W. F., Girard, T. M., Platais, I., Kozhurina-Platais, V., Lopez, C. E., "Correcting for systematic effects in ground-based photographic proper motions: The Southern Proper Motion Program as a case study", in Treasure &endash;Hunting in Astronomical Plate Archives, Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Sonneberg Observatory, March 4 to 6, 1999, edited by Peter Kroll, Constanze la Dos & Hans-Jurgen Brauer.
Benedict, G. F.,1998, "Photometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: A Search for Periodic Variations", AJ 116, 429
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Franz, O. G., and 16 co-authors including van Altena, W. F., 1998, "The First Definitive Binary Orbit Determined with the Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensors: Wolf 1062 (Gliese 748)", AJ 116, 1432
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Girard, T. M., Platais, I., Kozhurina-Platais, V., van Altena, & Lopez, C. E., 1998, "The Southern Proper Motion Program. I. Magnitude Equation Correction", AJ 115, 855
Horch, E. P., Ninkov, Z, van Altena, W. F., 1998, "New low-noise high-quantum-efficiency speckle imaging system", SPIE, 3355, 777
Lu, C.-L., Platais, I., Girard, T. M., Kozhurina-Platais, V., van Altena, W. F., Lopez, C. E., Monet, D. G., 1998, "Wading Through the Quagmire of Schmidt-Plate Coordinate Systematics", IAU Symp. 179, 384
McArthur, B. M., et al., 1998, "Astrometry with HST/FGS - A Parallax of the Cataclysmic Variable RW Triangulum", BAAS, 193, 12303
Mendez, Rene A., van Altena, W. F., Platais, I., Girard, T. M., Kozhurina-Platais, V., Lopez, C. E., 1998, "Stellar Kinematics toward the South Galactic Pole from the Southern Proper-Motion Program", BAAS, 193, 10506
Méndez, R. A., & van Altena, W. F., 1998, "A New Optical Reddening Model for the Solar Neighborhood: Galactic Structure Through Low-Latitude Starcounts from the Guide Star Catalogue", A&A 330, 910
Mendez, R. A., Rich, R. M., van Altena, W. F., Girard, T. M., van den Bergh, S., Majewski, S. R., 1998, "Proper Motions in the Bulge: Looking Through Plaut's Low Extinction Window", IAU Symp. 179, 223
Platais, I., and 9 co-authors including van Altena, W. F., 1998, "The Southern Proper Motion Program. II. A Catalog at the South Galactic Pole", AJ 115, 855
Platais, I., et al., 1998, "The HIPPARCOS proper motion link to the extragalactic reference system using NPM and SPM", A&A 331, 1119
Benedict, et al., 1997, "Parallaxes, Proper Motions and Low-mass Companion Detection Limits for Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star", BAAS, 191, 7007
Dinescu, D. I., van Altena, W. F., Girard, T. M., Lopez, C. E., 1997, "Kinematics of Globular Clusters from Tangential Velocities and Constraints on Formation Scenarios of the Galaxy", BAAS, 191, 9803
Dinescu, Dana I., Girard, Terrence M., van Altena, William F., Mendez, Rene A., Lopez, Carlos E., 1997, "Space velocities of southern globular clusters. I. Astrometric techniques and first results", AJ 114, 1014
Franz, O. G., et al., 1997, "HST Fine Guidance Sensor Discovery of a Third Component in the Low-Mass System Wolf 922 (Gliese 831)", BAAS, 191, 9302
Girard, T. M.; Platais, I., Kozhurina-Platais, V., van Altena, W. F., Lopez, C. E., 1997, "The Yale/San Juan SPM Program: The South Galactic Pole Catalog and Future Extensions", BAAS, 191, 10801
Hemenway, P. D., et al. 1997, "The Program to Link the HIPPARCOS Reference Frame to an Extragalactic Reference System Using the Fine Guidance Sensors of the Hubble Space Telescope", AJ, 114, 2796
Horch, E., Ninkov, Z., Slawson, R. W., van Altena, W. F., Meyer, R. D., Girard, T. M. "Speckle Imaging of Binary Stars with Large-Format CCDs", BAAS, 191, 4402
van Altena, W. F., et al. 1997, "The Distance to the Hyades Cluster Based on Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor Parallaxes", APJL 486, 123.
van Altena, W. F., Lee, J. T., Hoffleit, E. D., 1997, "The trigonometric parallax of the Hyades Cluster", Baltic Astron. 6, 27
van Altena, W. F., Lee, J. T., Hoffleit, E. D., Girard, T. M., Horch, E. P., 1997, "Calibration of the Mass-Luminosity Relation, II: Data from the General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes, 1995", in Visual Double Stars : Formation, Dynamics and Evolutionary Tracks. Edited by J.A. Docobo, A. Elipe, and H. McAlister. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic, p.187