Louise is passionate about Astronomy education and outreach. She has taught Astronomy, Math, and Physics courses at Saint Mary's University, The University of Victoria, and the University of Southern California. She routinely presents her own public lectures in schools, colleges and community centers, and enjoys mentoring undergraduates in research.
She is chair of the Hoffleit Fellowship program for undergraduate research in Astronomy at Yale, which brings students of any nationality to campus to work with research faculty.

Yale Astronomy Courses:
Astronomy 040 - Expanding Ideas of Time and Space
Astronomy 110 - Planets and Stars
Astronomy 155 - Intro to Astronomical Observing
Astronomy 160 - Frontiers and Controversies (flipped in 2016)
Astronomy 170 - Introduction to Cosmology
Astronomy 220 - Galaxies and Cosmology

Summer and Senior Thesis Students:
Stephanie Spear (STARS Scholar) (2016)

Past Students:
Renita Heng (STARS Scholar and senior thesis student) (2013-16)
Isabella Trierweiler (Freshman Fellowship) (2015-2016)
Peter Tang (Dean's Research Fellowship) (2015)
Vicki Beizer (Freshman Fellowship) (2015)
Leah Fulmer (Hoffleit Scholar from UW-Madison (2015)
Hannah Alpert (NASA CT Space Grant Recipient and senior thesis) (2013-15)
Saisneha Koppaka (Yale Science Scolars) (2014)
Anna O'Grady (Hoffleit Scholar from Memorial University) (2014)
Anthony Festa (Summer Science Research Institute) (2014)
Tara Abraham (Yale College senior thesis) (2014)
Vasilije Dobrosavljevic (Recipient of Yale Freshman Research Fellowship) (2013)
Eric Ho (Recipient of Yale Freshman Research Fellowship) (2013)
Paola Oliva Altamirano (National University of Honduras, 2010-11)
Skarleth Motino (National University of Honduras, 2010-11)


Outreach and Press Links:

The Deep Sky: From Near to Far. Essays in the 2013-2016 editions of the RASC Observer's Handbook

Yale Astronomy Department Documentary

This black hole has an appetite for cold, cosmic rain

Astronomy in Color (Interview)

An illuminating look at large galaxies and their closest companions

Leitner Family Observatory and Planetarium at Yale

Blog Downtown LA


NASA Press Release

International School for Young Astronomers

Canadian Astronomical Society Newsletter I