MUSYC WIDE NIR SURVEY: SDSS1030+05 and Cast1256 Fields Guillermo A. Blanc Notes: - All the science images (UBVRIzK) are PSF matched to a common Moffat profile with FWHM of 1.2" and 1.3" for 1030 and 1256 respectively. - K-band images are flux calibrated using common stars in the 2MASS survey. - Optical images are flux calibrated using Landolt standards as described in Gawiser et. al 2006. - K-band images are reprojected to the BVR image projection (Gawiser et al. 2006). - Pixel scale: 1 pix = 0.267" - The rms maps (*_rms.fits) pixel values correspond to the background flux rms in an aperture of 1.4*FWHM diameter at the pixel coordinates. - The mask files (*_bpm.fits) correspond to the mask used to reject regions arround bright stars and noisy edges before detection. - The weight files (*_weight.fits) are the normalized inverse square of the rms maps. Equivalent to a normalized exposure map. - The detection images (*_det.fits) used to create the K-selected catalogs, correspond to the psf matched images divided by the normalized rms map and masked using the mask files. - K-band PSF matched mosaics: IMAGE * Vega Zero-Point ****************************************** MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_K.fits * 22.03 * MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_K.fits * 22.38 - Optical PSF matched images: IMAGE * AB Zero-Point ****************************************** MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_U.fits * 22.06 MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_B.fits * 24.97 MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_V.fits * 25.48 MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_R.fits * 25.75 MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_I.fits * 25.36 MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_z.fits * 24.36 * MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_U.fits * 23.32 MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_B.fits * 24.84 MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_V.fits * 24.90 MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_R.fits * 25.66 MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_I.fits * 24.94 MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_z.fits * 24.30 - Complementary Frames (see Notes above): MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_bpm.fits MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_det.fits MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_rms.fits MUSYC_1030_conv_v1_weight.fits MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_bpm.fits MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_det.fits MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_rms.fits MUSYC_1256_conv_v1_weight.fits